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You want Information or support


When transporting to, or through, Belgium, you sometimes have to deal with matters you have little or no knowledge about. Or you have to deal with an urgent problem.


We can help you with almost all of your dealings in Belgium, or with Belgians, such as:


- Providing information on Customs, Traffic Law or Criminal Law, or deal with a Court case

- Solving problems with Customs at the border (or anywhere in Belgium)

- Supporting your company or your driver on a Police matter

- Support or advice on a running contract with a Belgian company.

- Support with chasing your unpaid invoices.

- Background information (due dilligence) on a customer, before or during a running contract.


Call us on 00 32 475 806 333, we will gladly help you      

Quite often are our fees paid by your insurance (motor insurance). In other matters we usually work on a fixed fee basis, discussed beforehand. Sometimes this is not possible, in that case we will work on an hourly fee basis, or a success fee. We alway ask for a appropriate advance (see the PAY button below).

We like to openly discuss our fee structure, and are open to flexible arrangements (subscription fee, etc.).

SIGMA LEX - Nieuwpoortsestwg 50 - 8400  Oostende  Belgium - T +32 59 70 87 87 - F +32 59 70 87 10 - M +32 475 806 333 - - VAT 0861.570.925

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